Welcome to Medieval Legal Eagle

If you have found your way here, it is likely that you have a medieval legal issue you are interested in resolving. Well, you have come to the right place! Please contact Lord Dauid at sinistersword@gmail.com with your medieval legal problem, and he and his fellow Legal Guild of Caid (forming now, please join!) members will endeavor to assist you. After researching your issue, we will post the answer to your inquiry on this blog, changing your name to protect the innocent, of course. Please be sure to include where you are from and what timeframe you live, so we may provide the most accurate and applicable information possible. (While the method of delivery might be light-hearted, the information contained within each post will include as comprehensive documentation as possible. If further references are discovered after a blog post is made, the post will be edited to reflect the additional documentation.)

Standard Disclaimer: Any posting on this blog, or correspondence whether in person, on paper or via other medium, is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be construed as an offer to provide legal advice or consultation. No attorney-client relationship is created or will be created by the exchange of information pertaining to legal issues of the medieval period. All personna's apply or utilize said information solely at their own peril. Lord Dauid Eadwines sune and the Legal Guild of Caid (forming now, please join!) will be Held Harmless for any civil, criminal or canon liability.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Flying the coop for a few days

Just a quick note to let anyone who sends request for information over the next few days: I will be unavailable to respond to your requests until Monday. In the meantime, send your request and DON'T SAY ANYTHING!! When I return, I will reply to let you know I have received your missive, and will attempt a rough estimate on when I can respond.

Also, be advised that your legal question might be answered via Caid's Kingdom Newsletter, The Crown Prints. If answered in this manner, it will not be posted to Medieval Legal Eagle until after it has been published. I will, of course, let you know as soon as possible that this is where your question will be answered.

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